Facts to Know Before Buying Your Child Their First Bike

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Children derive pleasure in riding bicycles especially in the company of their friends. Bikes are one of the best forms of entertainment for young children. That said, parents should strive to give their children the best bicycle at this tender age. However, with the many bicycle options available, you need to read more about toddler bikes to make an informed choice. This article will highlight a few aspects to help you buy your child the first bicycle.

Tips to help you buy the right bicycle

Start with a balance bikeridding time

Your child personality plays an important part in ascertaining the type of bicycle to buy. Some children are cautious while others are reckless. Whichever the case, it is advisable to buy a balance bike. This bike model mimics a hobbyhorse bicycle. It has no chains, crank, pedals, and training wheels. Thus, your child will be required to scoot their feet to gain momentum. Ideally, a balance bike helps your child to learn how to balance and steer before he or she tries out advanced, challenging bicycles.

Pick the right size

Your child’s size is also an important aspect to consider when buying your child a bicycle. In most cases, parents buy their children large bikes since they expect them to grow fast. This is not right as the child will have to struggle to ride. To choose a perfect bicycle size, you have to factor three main things like comfort when sitting, ability to grip the handles and his or her leg position while sited.

Invest in safety gear

If you want your child to enjoy riding and at the same time guarantee him or her safety, it is wise to consider the safety accessories of the bicycle of choice. Apart from this, the safety accessories should fit your child well. For instance, the helmet should fit well in his or her head.

Assembly options

There are huge varieties of bicycles. Besides, they sell at different prices. Assembly is one aspect that influences the selling price. A pre-assembled bicycle model costs less than an assembled one. It is advisable to go for a preassembled model if you feel that your child will outdo it after a short time. This may save you from having to spend a lot of money after a short period.

bike for sonTraining wheels

Training wheels are quite a nice investment for beginners. They help your child learn how to balance with ease. Once your child masters the concept of riding, then, you can detach the training wheels. However, some argue that training wheels are dangerous, but with a little training on how to do it, you are sure of getting the best out of it.

Consider the above aspects when buying a bicycle and be assured of giving your child the best. Besides this, it is wise to buy your first bicycle from a reputable bicycle selling company.